A website about everything IVF.
A lighthearted website written by an infertile, This IVF Life explores the funny side of IVF, infertility and changing one’s life to try for a baby. It has one single aim - to bring a smile into your most challenging days.
Big Fat Positivity.
This is infertility.
Years of thermometers; studying cervical mucus; the legs up the wall; sobbing into a pillow at only ever being the 'fun Aunt', when I'm not even fun; repetitive blood tests, examinations, the endless waiting; a sinking feeling when my boozy mate orders a virgin cocktail; being told the sexual positions in which others conceive 'just in case it helps'; yoga, meditation, fixing my mindset; Chinese herbs; faddy diets; jumping from whole milk, to goats milk, to kefir, to oat milk, to no milk and back again, before concluding the problem isn't milk; Phd levels of research into medical conditions I'm not even sure I have; learning about a medical condition to PHD levels when you are not even sure you have it; the fertility massages; the Chinese herbs; and...
...the single line. Always a single line.
The IVF process
What is it like to go through IVF? I struggled to find the personal insights and detail I wanted when going through IVF, so I wrote this website. Information focused on the scientific process of IVF, whereas I wanted to know more about the experience of it - what do they ask at the initial consultation? What does it feel like to be on IVF drugs? Does it hurt?
Book reviews
I read a vast number of books on IVF and fertility whilst struggling to have a baby and this website contains my honest reviews, to help you to chose which ones are worth a read.